Issue #162
Another week, and we're bringing you the latest WordPress news from the last seven days, including...
- The Page Builder Summit is live and it's tiny, erm... wait... HUGE!
- Classic Widgets Plugin Disables WordPress 5.8’s Upcoming Block-Based Widgets System
- FluentCRM Wins Plugin Madness 2021
There's a whole lot more than this, as there is each and every week, and you can find all that by scrolling down and clicking on the links!
This Week in WordPress

This Week in WordPress #162 - "Chickens are now Legal in Chicago"
Recorded on Monday 10th May 2021. With Paul Lacey, Bernhard Gronau, Hans Skillrud, Donata Stroink-Skillrud and Shahjahan Jewel.
Each week we discuss some of the the stories (from below) which captured our attention. It's like this newsletter but with real people!
If you ever want to join us live you can do that every Monday at 2pm UK time on the WP Builds LIVE page.
WP Builds / This Week in WordPress

When you build contact forms for client websites, you may be forcing that client to comply with multiple privacy laws. Rather than avoiding discussing the importance of Privacy Policies with your clients, try out Termageddon, the auto-updating Privacy Policy generator. The best part is that Termageddon gives web agencies a free set of their policies forever in the hopes you like their product and use their reseller or referral programs to help your clients get protected too. Your client gets protected. You make more recurring revenue. Go to Termageddon.com and click the agency partners page to receive your free license today!

Page Builder Summit 2.0
Join the Page Builder Summit 2.0. Over 30 great speakers with tips and tricks to help you build your websites. FREE to register at https://pagebuildersummit.com. Monday 10th May until Friday 14th May. Go for it!
A WordPress Voting Guide to the Webby Awards
"The People’s Voice voting for the 25th annual Webby Awards closes in three days on May 6, 2021. Since 1996, the Webbys have recognized excellence on the internet among what is now seven major media types: websites, video, advertising, media and PR, social, apps, mobile, voice, games, and podcasts. After nearly 13,500 entries were submitted from 70 different countries, the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences selected fewer than 10% as Nominees and opened voting on April 20..."
Plugins / Themes / Blocks
It Is Time for WordPress Theme Authors To Step Up Their Block Pattern Game
"Going through my routine this week, I skimmed the latest WordPress theme releases and found a new project that supported the block editor. It even shipped a few custom patterns. While the design was nothing extraordinary, it was a solid theme overall. However, after spending the better part of today writing about it, I did not think I could move forward with the story. Something was bugging me..."
Classic Widgets Plugin Disables WordPress 5.8’s Upcoming Block-Based Widgets System
"Yesterday, WordPress released a core plugin named Classic Widgets. Core contributors Tonya Mork and Andrew Ozz created the plugin under the WordPress Contributors account. It allows end-users to disable the upcoming block-based widgets system. Support is expected through 2022 or as long as necessary according to the plugin description..."
Dark Mode Plugin Repurposed and Renamed to WP Markdown Editor, Change Leaves Users Confused
"Last year, I asked Tavern readers if WordPress should notify end-users when a plugin’s owner changes. The post was not entirely based on theory. There have been some cases of real-world confusion. The consensus from the comments on that post seemed to be that, yes, such notifications would be welcome..."
Jetpack 9.7 Makes More Features Available without Connecting to WordPress.com
"Jetpack 9.7 was released today with updates under the hood that ensure the plugin’s blocks are compatible with the full-site editing features coming in WordPress 5.8. It also changes how sites access features that require the WordPress.com infrastructure..."

FluentCRM Wins Plugin Madness 2021
"FluentCRM just won Torque’s WordPress Plugin Madness 2021 contest, on popular vote! This is BIG! And this is obviously bigger than what we could have imagined in our wildest dreams...!"
WordPress Vulnerability News, May 2021
"WordPress vulnerability news is a weekly digest of highlighted WordPress plugin security vulnerabilities or vulnerability discloses that have been published..."
WP Builds

'J' is for Jobs - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #228
This episode is about all the many, many, many jobs that you do each and every time you build a WordPress website for yourself or for a client. There really are so many! I’m not too sure that I do quite as much as David does, because, as you’ll hear, he’s does rather a lot. From setting hosting and email, from forms to security, this episode could have gone on for a long time. Maybe you treat each project individually, or have a template that you keep coming back to. Go listen to the podcast today and tell us what you think…
Not WordPress, but useful anyway…

What is AVIF and why is it good?
"AVIF is an image file format developed by Alliance for Open Media which is supposed to make our images smaller while keeping the same image quality. Experts believe that it is the next step in media compression..."