Issue #165
Another week, and we're bringing you the latest WordPress news from the last seven days, including...
- WordPress turns 18!
- WordCamp Europe is coming up...
- The Full Site Editing Program needs your help with portfolio templates
- What the FLOC should WordPress do?
There's a whole lot more than this, as there is each and every week, and you can find all that by scrolling down and clicking on the links!
This Week in WordPress

This Week in WordPress #165 - "You hoarded stickers"
Recorded on Monday 31st May 2021. With Nathan Wrigley, Remkus de Vries and Michelle Frechette. Each week we discuss some of the the stories (from below) which captured our attention. It's like this newsletter but with real people!
If you ever want to join us live you can do that every Monday at 2pm UK time on the WP Builds LIVE page.
WordPress Core

WordPress at 18
Today marks the 18th anniversary of WordPress’ launch, a day that I fondly refer to as WordPress’ birthday, which means WordPress is 6,575 days old. To celebrate another turn around the sun, the community has had parties, we have shared data, and we have told our story.
Coloring Your Images With Duotone Filters
"Beginning with WordPress 5.8, you can colorize your image and cover blocks with duotone filters! Duotone can add a pop of color to your designs and style your images to integrate well with your themes..."
WP Builds / This Week in WordPress

When you build contact forms for client websites, you may be forcing that client to comply with multiple privacy laws. Rather than avoiding discussing the importance of Privacy Policies with your clients, try out Termageddon, the auto-updating Privacy Policy generator. The best part is that Termageddon gives web agencies a free set of their policies forever in the hopes you like their product and use their reseller or referral programs to help your clients get protected too. Your client gets protected. You make more recurring revenue. Go to Termageddon.com and click the agency partners page to receive your free license today!

Meet our Media Partners and Supporters
"We are happy to announce the official Media Partners and Supporters partnering with us on this exciting online journey helping us spread our word around the world..."

Speakers – WordCamp Europe 2021 Online
"We’re excited to announce the confirmed speakers for WordCamp Europe 2021. We have a fantastic selection of speakers this year covering all kinds of topics related to our WordPress world such as business, community, content, design, development…"

The Fun Doesn’t Happen Without You: Volunteer For WordFest Live Today
"Even virtual events need volunteers, and now's your chance to be a part of the WordFest Live fun from the inside out...!"
FSE Outreach #7: Building a Portfolio in the Upcoming Template-Editing Mode
"Feedback for round #7 of the FSE Outreach Program opened today. Like round #6, the focus is once again on template-editing mode, a feature that is slated to ship with WordPress 5.8. All hands need to be on deck for it to have a chance of a successful landing..."
News – Episode 9: The Cartography of WordPress
"In this episode, Josepha Haden Chomphosy provides a map of how to navigate WordPress teams and communication channels, along with her small list of big things..."

WordPress - The Source Of My Satisfaction And Joy
"After giving a serious thought I decided to get started with WordPress. I spent the initial 6-8 months exploring WordPress, learning the basics about the Web, making myself comfortable with it & deciding if this is something I would love to work on or not. I then participated in WordCamp Mumbai 2018. That was one of the few WordCamps I have attended. This WordCamp gave me enough confidence that WordPress is the new sky for me where there is no limit..."
A New Era for Post Status
"I have sold my share of Post Status to Cory Miller as I step aside to explore new opportunities running a product business outside of the WordPress space..."
Plugins / Themes / Blocks
Opt Out of Google FLOC for Site Visitors (One Line of Code)
"Google has another new thing they are doing, called FLOC (Federated Learning of Cohorts). It’s used to — surprise — track user activity across websites. Opting out ideally is handled by the user, who can customize their browser settings to disable FLOC while surfing around the Web. Beyond configuring your browser to opt-out of FLOC, you can disable it on any website with a single line of code..."
New Marketing Landing Pages Ready to Use
"We’ve been working hard to bring you more stellar layout packs and marketing landing pages in the past few months, and I’m excited and proud to let you know that today we’ve added 42 new designs. We’ve added 13 layout packs (multiple pages each), and 29 marketing landing pages. One thing is for sure, if you are choosing Brizy, you are choosing the best design in the industry..."
You Might Not Need That Block
"As I was perusing the WordPress plugin directory this morning, I noticed a new block plugin, which is always one of the highlights of my week. It was a simple pricing block. Of course, I installed it and began playing around with its features. It was a version-1.0 product, so I was not going to fault it for not exceeding any expectations I might have had..."
Lifetime Deal Nearly sold out - Brizy Pro Pricing
Get One of the Last Brizy PRO WP Lifetime Licenses @ $299
Severe Vulnerabilities Patched in Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks Plugin
"On April 8, 2021, the Wordfence Threat Intelligence team initiated the responsible disclosure process for several vulnerabilities discovered in Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks, a WordPress plugin installed on over 300,000 sites. One of these flaws made it possible for unauthenticated users to update redirects for the site allowing an attacker to redirect all site traffic to an external malicious site..."
WordPress Vulnerability Report: May 2021, Part 4
"Vulnerable plugins and themes are the #1 reason WordPress websites get hacked. The weekly WordPress Vulnerability Report powered by WPScan covers recent WordPress plugin, theme, and core vulnerabilities, and what to do if you run one of the vulnerable plugins or themes on your website..."
WP Builds

One-click checkout in WooCommerce with PeachPay - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #231
PeachPay is a new 1-click-checkout option for your WooCommerce store. It aims to remove some of the friction of getting people to click the 'buy now' button by removing multiple steps for people who've used PeachPay before. We talk about how it works, debunk some myths, and discuss why you might want to think about add this to your WooCommerce website. If you build eCommerce websites for clients, you need to know about this solution and how it could improve their sales. Go listen...
Not WordPress, but useful anyway…
Chromium Blog: An experiment in helping users and web publishers create deeper connections on Chrome
"Today, people have many ways to keep up with their favorite websites, including subscribing to mailing lists, notifications and RSS. It’s a lot for any one person to manage, so we’re exploring how to simplify the experience of getting the latest and greatest from your favorite sites directly in Chrome, building on the open RSS web standard..."
Joomla Blocks FLoC by Default, Drupal Moves to Block FLoC in Upcoming 9.2 Release
"Joomla has announced plans to block Google’s Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) by default going forward. The security update, released yesterday, added a Permissions Policy header to disable FLoC. Users can now find a new setting in Global configuration on the Site tab in the Site Settings area, where they can toggle FLoC on if desired..."
Stripe Payment Links: Create a link. Sell anywhere in under 5 minutes.
"Use Payment Links to sell online without a website and without any code. Create a full payment page in just a few clicks and share the link with your customers..."