WordPress Core
News – WordPress 5.6 Beta 3
Since beta 2, 20 bugs have been fixed. Here is a summary of a few changes included in beta 3...
News – WordPress 5.5.3 Maintenance Release
Earlier today — between approximately 15:30 and 16:00 UTC — the auto-update system for WordPress updated some sites from version 5.5.2 to version 5.5.3-alpha. This auto-update was due to an error in the Updates API caused by the 5.5.3 release preparations.
WordPress Auto-Update System Misfires, Updating Live Sites to an Alpha Release
This was not the best moment for WordPress. Core updates, updating to the wrong version is never a good thing. But it all looks like it's fixed now. Were you impacted?
WordPress 5.6 to Add UI for Enabling Major Version Auto-Updates, Contributors Discuss Adding a Filter to Hide It
"WordPress 5.6 is set to add a UI that allows users to opt into auto-updates for major versions of core."

WordFest Live 2021 - A 24-hour virtual festival celebrating WordPress
"Enabling a global celebration of WordPress, bringing our community together in a safe environment, whilst facilitating freedom of movement within a virtual event."

Make a difference in WordPress with each product you buy
We live in a world with enormous gaps in power, influence, and impact. Even though the overall data shows us that things are looking better on multiple levels, there are still worrying unbalances out there.
News – Take the 2020 WordPress Annual Survey (and view the 2019 results)!
Take the 2020 WordPress Annual Survey (and view the 2019 results)!
I discount, you discount, we both lose
"Discounting a product for a limited time has been a tactic borrowed today and ingrained in industries where it makes no sense. Software is not food, there is no expiration date, no loss if it’s not consumed today. So why discounting software products?"
Plugins / Themes / Blocks

BuddyBoss App
Pretty cool to get your own app in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store right? Your own community built on top of WordPress and BuddyBoss with a native app!

Ultimate Dashboard 3.0
"In this post we are taking a look at what's new and how we expanded the plugins focus from the WordPress dashboard to the entire WordPress admin area."
Simple Sandbox Pro Beta: Worthwhile DEV Tool Or Waste of Time?
Nice new project from Eric Hamm from Cobalt Apps. He wants to know if there's an audience for his Simple Sandbox Pro plugin. He also wants beta testers.

Two New GiveWP Releases Just in Time for Winter
A new PayPal donations experience, GiveWP Gutenberg Block, and a brand new add-on for donation funds and designations.
Typemarker for MainWP - get branding!
Those of you using MainWP might like to know that there's a 3rd Party app called Typemarker which allows you to customise the way that your dashboard, client reports and more look. It's pretty nice for really going to town with your branding.
WP All Import’s integration with Toolset makes it easy to import your data
"We are happy to announce the official release of the WP All Import – Toolset Add-on plugin. It allows you to import custom fields and relationships created with Toolset."

Snapshot v4 Introduces New Incremental Backups, Third-Party Storage
It’s been a huge few months for Snapshot. We’ve completely overhauled how he backs up your data (hello, incrementals!), introduced the first of our new third-party storage destinations, and began the integration of hosting backups.
Introducing the Simplest Header Footer Builder with Astra!
We are thrilled to introduce the most awaited drag and drop Header and Footer Builder. It opens all-new design possibilities and gives you the freedom to customize navigation of your website with a theme.

Twenty Twenty-One Blocks Theme Launching as a Separate Project
Last Friday, Themes Team representative Carolina Nymark announced the Twenty Twenty-One Blocks theme project. It is a block-based version of the Twenty Twenty-One default theme that is shipping along with WordPress 5.6.
WordPress.com Drops Over 100 Block Patterns, Carving a Path the Design Community Should Follow
"Automattic released over 100 block patterns to its users on WordPress.com last week. Patterns are a set of blocks that users can insert into their posts or pages for predefined yet customizable sections of content."
Ship Internationally with DHL and WooCommerce Shipping
"Selling internationally just got easier thanks to a new partnership between WooCommerce Shipping and DHL. Now, US-based businesses can unlock more opportunities by expanding reach around the world."
Gutenberg 9.3 Provides Indicator of Where Full-Site Editing Is Going, a Future Without Widgets and Customizer Screens
"Version 9.3 of the Gutenberg plugin dropped earlier today. It is the first version of the plugin during the WordPress 5.6 release cycle that will not see its new features land in the core platform."
Automattic Releases Spearhead, a Seedlet Child Theme Aimed at Podcasters and Content Creators
Last Thursday, Automattic announced its new Spearhead theme to WordPress.com users, which primarily focuses on podcasters.

WordPress Deals for Black Friday 2020 - Plugins, Themes, Blocks and more
This is the WP Builds Black Friday Deals page where we aim to add continually to the list of things on offer - all in one place so that you don't have to go hunting all over the internet!

CSS-JS Steganography in Fake Flash Player Update Malware
This summer, MalwareBytes researcher Jérôme Segura wrote an article about how criminals use image files (.ico) to hide JavaScript credit card stealers on compromised e-commerce sites.
Introducing Wordfence Central Teams
Wordfence Central makes it possible for you to manage your sites’ security settings, tune your security alerts, and quickly assess security events all from one dashboard view.
Unpacking the WordPress 5.5.2/5.5.3 Security Release
On Thursday, October 29, the WordPress core team released WordPress version 5.5.2. This was a minor release containing bug fixes and security enhancements to the core WordPress content management system powering over one-third of the internet. There was a subsequent 5.5.3 release one day later; you can read about the emergency WP 5.5.3 release here.
WordPress Vulnerability News, November 2020
WordPress vulnerability news is a monthly digest of highlighted vulnerable plugins for WordPress or WordPress security issues that have been published.
WP Builds
Author Support V Community Support - #204
Where should you go for support for WordPress plugins, themes and blocks? If you paid for support is that your best bet, what about the free wordpress.org support? Find out more on The WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast today.
Not WordPress, but useful anyway…
Accessibility and inclusion in marketing - Think with Google
"According to the United Nations, people with disabilities are the largest minority group in the world. This community has a presence in every market and the buying power to prove it, but you would never know that from watching today’s ads."
Endurance International to be bought by Clearlake in a deal valued at $3 billion, including debt
Endurance International Group Holdings Inc. EIGI, 0.05% announced Monday a deal to be acquired by private-equity firm Clearlake Capital Group L.P., in an all-cash deal valued at $3 billion, including debt.